Thursday is the day of the Ukrainian embroidered shirt, Vyshyvanka.

According to the Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania, this year’s Vyshyvanka Day coincides with 18 May, the commemoration of the genocide of the Crimean Tatars, as well as with 18-20 May, the one-year anniversary of the withdrawal of the Ukrainian defenders from the Azovstal.

“This is why this year’s celebration of Vyshyvanka Day takes on a deep and newly defined meaning – it is a day of our struggle for freedom and national identity,” the statement said.

To mark the day, the Ukrainian Centre will present the project “Ukrainian-Lithuanian Vyshyvanka”, the photography exhibition “Believe. Love. Wait”, an exhibition of embroidered paintings, and performances by the centre’s bands.

After the event, participants dressed in embroidered T-shirts will hold a flashmob and a procession in the Cathedral Square.


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